I had a 3 day weekend for Memorial Day and the weather was supposed to be beautiful (if a little warm for this time of year). So, I wanted to get out and do a hike. Options are still somewhat
… Read the rest Tag Archives: Abandoned
Refers to trips on abandoned trails or roads
11/19/2016 – Buck Lake Trail – old 701
Hike description
This hike was an opportunity to explore the old 701 Trail – It is referred to as the Buck Lake trail on the old maps. I was made aware of it recently and wanted to explore it since
… Read the rest 10/28/2016 – MP3 and Rimrock Trails
Hike description
Today’s hike was very unique. It was unique for two reasons – first, it was my first hike with Dave. Second, it was my last hike with Bodie (in spirit) where I spread his ashes on the overlook
… Read the rest 4/16/2016 – Milepost 3 Trail
Hike description
This was a relatively short hike on a beautiful sunny day – above average temperatures for this time of year – in the 70’s. I don’t think it was quite that warm up higer, but it was till
… Read the rest 3/12/2016 – South Fork Waterworks
Hike description
Note: The map above was a hand rendered guess as to our route – I forgot my phone on this trip, so had no real GPS track.
… Read the rest Photos will be coming soon.
This trip was to explore some
1/23/2016 – Eagle Creek Trail – 501- Clackamas
Hike description
This was kind of an unplanned hike. I had planned to stay home today and do some things around the house. Zack texted me about 7:30 and asked if I was going anywhere today. After a few back
… Read the rest 12/5/2015 – Fanton Trail – 505
Hike description
Today’s hike had two parameters:
- It had to be accessible (snow)
- It had to be easy enough for Bodie
In looking at snow levels and trail elevations, I thought the Fanton trail might fill the bill. It seemed … Read the rest
9/26/2015 – Baty Butte – 545
Description of Hike:
With all the turmoil the last week (coming back to work after vacation, and Carly leaving for Mozambique), a hike sounded like just what the doctor ordered. It has been over 5 months since Bodie’s diagnosis of
… Read the rest 1/31/2015 – MP3 and Rimrock Trails
Description of Hike:
My daughter called me and asked if I wanted to go hiking on Saturday – the weather was supposed to be nice. She wanted mountain views. I thought about it for a while and looked at different
… Read the rest 11/11/2014 – Battle Creek Shelter – East
Description of Hike:
The goal for this hike (doesn’t every hike need to have some sort of goal or point?) was to hike an old trail reported on trailadvocate.org. The trail headed east from the old Battle Creek Shelter site
… Read the rest 09/13/2014 – Horseshoe Saddle, Ruddy Hill and Skyline Trail
Description of Hike:
This was originally going to be a light hiking day – the plan was to meet the daughters of “Rhondy” (a former Trails supervisor in the Mt Hood NF) to hike the trail that has a sign
… Read the rest 8/19/2014 – Three Lynx Way Trail Exploration
Description of Hike:
This was my birthday hike – in figuring out where I wanted to go, a trip report on the trailadvocate.org site intrigued me. It was a report about someone finding a trail I stumbled across reference to
… Read the rest 5/13/2014 – Lower Burnt Granite Trail
Description of Hike:
This was a trip to explore the lower section of the Burnt Granite trail – the upper section is still an official trail, however the lower section was carved up by clearcuts and abandoned years ago. It
… Read the rest 1/25/2014 – South Fork Water Pipeline
Description of Hike:
This trip has been on my radar for quite some time – probably since I did the series of hikes to the South Fork waterworks up the South Fork in 2010. The goal was to hike downriver
… Read the rest 9/2/2013 – Shellrock Lake, Grouse Point, Cutoff Trails and Frazier Mountain
Description of Hike:
The goal for this hike was to capture a track for the Shellrock Lake trail, and to capture the east end of the Grouse Point trail (that is a LONG trail!) for inclusion on the trailadvocate website.
… Read the rest 8/2/2013 – Rimrock and MP3 trails – 704
Description of Hike:
This hike was just a fun hike, and a chance to get back to one of my favorite trails and to also capture the rest of the track for the trail, as well as to capture the
… Read the rest 4/20/2013 – Upper Falls- South Fork Clackamas River – Old Memaloose Trail
Description of Hike:
Kirk and I decided to explore the abandoned trail on the east side of the South Fork yesterday We made our first stop at the Upper South Fork Falls, heading downhill through one of the old forest
… Read the rest 1/19/2013 – Alder Swamp, 3 Lynx Falls, Sounds Trail
Description of Hike:
This was originally going to be a short wintertime hike on the old Alder Swamp Trail. I was on this trail a couple of years ago with Don, and it is a good wintertime hike. Not too
… Read the rest 1/1/2013 – Abandoned Broughton Log Flume Exploration
Description of Hike:
This was a hike I had originally heard about on the Portland Hikers website. It combines two of my interests – hiking and history. This is an old abandoned log flume that was used from about 1913
… Read the rest 11/10/2012 – Weather Station exploration and Oak Grove Butte Area
Description of Hike:
This was an end of the higher elevation year hike to try and find a couple of weather stations as well as hike to the top of Oak Grove Butte and also hike an old abandoned trail
9/29/2012 – Old Baldy – 502 – East End – Squaw Mountain and Meadow
Description of Hike:
This was a milestone hike for me. Completing this hike means I have hiked all of the mileage of all the official trails in the Clackamas district. While there are still lots of abandoned trails to find,
… Read the rest 8/8/2012 – Skyline Trail Exploration
Description of Hike:
Hike description
… Read the rest After getting a taste of locating old trails the prior weekend, (seeing the different Skyline Trail segments), I got so excited about the Skyline trail that I had to take a day off from work
7/7/2012 – White Iris Trail – Take 3
Description of Hike:
This was my last attempt at trying to find the REAL lower section of the White Iris trail. In the past month or so, I’ve hiked it twice, both times losing the trail in a clearcut (at
… Read the rest 6/23/2012 – Bissell and White Iris (502-A) Trails Re-Do
Description of Hike:
This was intended to be a re-do of the hike I did last month (about a month ago). I was hoping for two things – 1) To see the white iris in full bloom and 2) To
… Read the rest 2/4/2012 – Upper Gipper Trail
Description of Hike:
This trip was an extension of a hike a few weeks ago. On that hike, we hiked down a previously found trail over the hill and down to the Clackamas river near where the old Oregon City
… Read the rest 4/14/2012 – Salmonberry Canyon Epic
Description of Hike:
Well, where to start…..This was a hike I have been wanting to do for several years now. Earlier this year I had made a recon hike to see what the two trailheads were like, how accessible they
… Read the rest 3/9/2012 – Salmonberry Canyon Exploration
Description of Hike:
This was an exploratory trip to help with planning the shuttle hike of the Salmonberry Canyon – the old railroad grade that was wiped out in 2007 and is now closed.
… Read the rest 1/14/2012 – Gipper Trail
Description of Hike:
After my unfortunate incident at Fish Creek a few weeks ago, I wanted to do something different on this day. One trail that I had been up part of was the old “Gipper” trail – it goes
… Read the rest 10/29/2011 – Wash Creek Exploration
Description of Hike:
A truly epic hike. The weather was absolutely fantastic, although we did get very wet due to the brushiness of the “trail” (an old road that was decommissioned after the ’96 floods). It was one of the
… Read the rest 10/8/2011 – PCT to Pyramid Butte – Ruddy Hill
Description of Hike:
This was a trip to explore the southern most part of the Clackamas District, and to try and get in some last minute hiking before the winter snows close the higher elevation trails. The Pyramid Butte trail
… Read the rest 7/9/2011 – Baty Butte Cross Country hike – 545
Description of Hike:
This was intended to be a hike on the south end of the Baty Butte trail, in preparation for a South Sister climb the following weekend. Neither of those things came to pass. The South Sister climb
… Read the rest 4/23/2011 – Calico Road – Up Fish Creek
Description of Hike:
This was a trek up the old 5420 road in the Fish Creek drainage. Many people call it the Calico road (old maps also show this name).
… Read the rest I have explored this area before, however I wanted to
2/26/2011 – Switch Creek
Description of Hike:
A short hike on an abandoned trail with a couple of friends. Although it was a short hike, it was great to get out in the woods. I was surprised at how much snow there was, especially
… Read the rest 10/3/2010 – Burnt Granite – 595
Description of Hike:
This was a hike to the restored Burnt Granite Trail, which goes around the east side of Burnt Granite. This area burned extensively in the 1930’s or so and is very rocky. The area had lots of
… Read the rest 9/26/2010 – Surprise Lake Quad Trip
Description of Hike:
This was not a hiking trip, but a very tough trip with 4 quads down old decommissioned roads to Surprise Lake in the Fish Creek Basin. The roads are very rough and becoming overgrown with alder. We
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