Date of Hike: 2/26/2011
Location of Hike: Switch Creek Trail
Weather during Hike: Overcast and cold - SNOWY
Hiking Buddies: Don and Kirk
Hike Distance: 3 miles
Location of Hike: Switch Creek Trail
Weather during Hike: Overcast and cold - SNOWY
Hiking Buddies: Don and Kirk
Hike Distance: 3 miles
Pictures: Link
Description of Hike:
A short hike on an abandoned trail with a couple of friends. Although it was a short hike, it was great to get out in the woods. I was surprised at how much snow there was, especially up higher. When we got on top, there were spots where it was probably 18″ or more deep! Crossing Switch Creek was a little bit of a challenge, too, since there was a lot of ice covering the rocks. I ended up walking across a log on the way back, since it wasn’t icy like the rocks were.
A trip on the way home to Fearless Brewing in Estacada for Strong Scotch ale made for the perfect end to the day.