Date of Hike: 12/24/2010
Location of Hike: Alder Flat Trail
Trail Number: 574
Weather during Hike: Cloudy and misty - no rain
Hiking Buddies: Bodie (my dog)
Start Time: 9:00 AM End Time: 10:15 AM
Hike Distance: 2.5 miles
Location of Hike: Alder Flat Trail
Trail Number: 574
Weather during Hike: Cloudy and misty - no rain
Hiking Buddies: Bodie (my dog)
Start Time: 9:00 AM End Time: 10:15 AM
Hike Distance: 2.5 miles
Pictures: Link
Description of Hike:
I got up early to do this hike before too much happened on Christmas Eve. It has been about a month and a half since I have been out, and really felt the need to do a quick hike. The weather didn’t sound too bad, so I managed to squeeze this in. I hiked this trail several years ago with the whole family, but haven’t been on it since. We did it in winter time as well, but I don’t remember any snow when we did it last time. One thing that we missed last time was a side trail to the pond and beaver dam. This time I found the side trail and went to the beaver dam – I scared a big rabbit at the dam and he scurried away in the snow.

Hiked up to the river and headed upstream as far as the flood plain went to check out some rapids. The water was pretty high and running fast.

After looking around and soaking it in, We hiked back to the truck. It was a great morning, and I didn’t even get wet! I was surprised it didn’t rain at all.

Hiked up to the river and headed upstream as far as the flood plain went to check out some rapids. The water was pretty high and running fast.

After looking around and soaking it in, We hiked back to the truck. It was a great morning, and I didn’t even get wet! I was surprised it didn’t rain at all.